When you have insurance policies for your home and vehicle, you may need an umbrella insurance policy to supplement them. If you're in Missouri and already have these two types of policies in place, call us at Rich Insurance Agency LLC in Kansas City, MO to learn more about umbrella insurance.
You may feel very well protected if you already have both policies. These policies are highly important, and it's required for you to have them in most cases. These policies each come with different types of coverage included in the policies. One of these is liability coverage. Both your home and auto policies have this type of coverage, but it may not be very much. It's common to have only the amount of liability coverage that policyholders are required to have. This can mean that you don't have enough liability coverage for a severe accident. That's where umbrella insurance comes in. It adds to the liability coverage to protect you better against accidents.
When you need more liability insurance, it can be costly to bump up your amount of liability coverage on both your home and auto policies directly. That's why it's often a far better idea to get an umbrella policy. It is known for its low cost and high rate of coverage. It comes with a huge maximum payout and costs less than direct additions to both policies. Umbrella policies pay any overage after your home or auto policy has reached its maximum payout after an accident. This then leaves nothing behind for you to pay.
It's essential to make sure that you are well-protected against expensive accidents. You need an umbrella policy to get better protection for both your auto and home insurance policies. Call us at Rich Insurance Agency LLC in Kansas City, MO.